Our vision

Net-zero by 2070.
To increase its non-fossil fuel energy capacity.
Increase the share of renewables in the energy mix by 2030.
Reduce the carbon emissions.

What drives us?

Sense of Ownership

Sense of Ownership

Embrace ownership, build sustainably, and add value to your project—a shared desire for progress.

Continuous Innovation

Continuous Innovation

We strive to innovate and develop solutions which create value for our customers.

Trust & Mutual Respect

Trust & Mutual Respect

Leverage trust and mutual respect. Be true to yourself and express your thoughts openly.

ABB alignment

ABB alignment

ABB announced that its E-mobility division has agreed to acquire a controlling stake in Numocity, a leading digital platform for electric vehicle charging in India. ABB will increase its shareholding to a controlling majority of 72 percent and has the right to become sole owner by 2026.

The transaction is part of ABB E-mobility’s overall growth strategy and will significantly improve its position across India, as well as South East Asia and the Middle East – target regions for Numocity given increasing demand for charging solutions for two and three-wheelers, cars and light commercial vehicle.

Kurrent Charge App

Kurrent Charge App

Kurrent Charge is the leading app for electric vehicle charging powered by Numocity. Kurrent Charge mobile application is elegantly conquer range anxiety by providing a seamless charging experience that empowers your EV journeys. Empowering communities through accessible and sustainable electric vehicle charging solutions, we aim to create a cleaner and greener future.

Our vision is to be the catalyst for a global shift towards sustainable mobility, with a community-driven platform that not only meets the charging needs but also fosters a sense of environmental responsibilities.


Ravikiran Annaswamy

Ravikiran Annaswamy

CO Founder & CEO

Siddharth Sreenivasan

Siddharth Sreenivasan

CO Founder & CPO

Kumaraswamy KS

VP Operations

Santhosh Kumar

Santhosh Kumar

VP Engineering

Sudeep Prasad

Sudeep Prasad

VP Technology

Mahesh Sundaram

Mahesh Sundaram

VP Engineering

Nomocity FAQs


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